February 2005 Journal Quilt
I am really happy today because yesterday I was able to pick up my baby from her stay at the doctors…. And she is all better. Of course someone tried to tempt me into a new purchase. I took a good look at the new Brother QC-1000. It is a nice looking machine and if I had a spare $1,500 lying around she would have come home with me, but as it is I will just have to add her to the list of things that I “need”. Like I “need” another machine.
The bottom line is that a week is too long to not have my machine. Today amongst the other things on my very long to-do list there is one item that is a need. There will be no compromise on this one. Today I need to sit at my machine and sew.

For your viewing pleasure I have put up a picture of my February 2005 Journal Quilt. When I was constructing this piece I really wanted to use the gold fern fabric that is in the background of this piece. I think it is really pretty, but for some reason I just could not stand to cut it into little pieces. So the idea of looking at a garden through a trellis came to mind. The trellis is constructed so that it floats on top of the background. I think it came out ok.
Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive... then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. —Howard Thurman
Seeing the quote by Thurman made me reminder that I own several of his books (which are in storage)...he was a very interesting philosopher and theologian.
The journal quilt came out wonderful...have you incorporated this into larger works?
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