Location: Algonquin, Illinois, United States

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Working It Out

I had set aside some time during the week to get a post up here, but wouldn’t you know, when I was ready Blogger wasn’t. Somehow I just didn’t seem to get back to it until now. Isn’t that the way it goes?

This week I haven’t been doing much sewing, unless of course you count the black crocheted scarf that I am almost done with. If you have been reading for a while you will remember that I went through a period a while back where all I did was crochet scarves. Well one has snuck back in. I seem to fall back on the crochet when I need a mindless activity. It seems like at times I need a way to wrestle with all of the ideas in my head that are struggling to force their way to the top of the heap where the one will be granted the designation of the next piece that just has to be made. The good news is that I have every intention of spending a bit a quality time with my machine today.

For your viewing pleasure I have loaded a picture of my May 2005 Journal Quilt. I have posted this one here before. It is important to note that the first four Journals (Jan, Feb, March and April) all ended up making the cut for Houston… four of the five that I was allowed to submit from the nine created. It almost sounds like something from Star Trek… five of nine.

As I have said before, having to exclude May from the chosen really bothered me, but she just didn’t fit in with the theme that developed that year. The crux in her exclusion is that I feel she is one of the stronger pieces I have created. As an artist how do you decide to exclude a piece that you feel is superior to some of the others, in order to present a set of work that is cohesive? For me I sat down with my crochet hook and the muse and I had a talk.

They who lack talent expect things to happen without effort. They ascribe failure to a lack of inspiration or ability, or to misfortune, rather than to insufficient application. At the core of every true talent there is an awareness of the difficulties inherent in any achievement, and the confidence that by persistence and patience something worthwhile will be realized. Thus talent is a species of vigor. —Eric Hoffer


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