Location: Algonquin, Illinois, United States

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Optical Optimist

2007 has toppled in like a toddler who is unsteady yet on his feet bringing with it a state of trepidation. So far the New Year has seen the death of a family member and the requisite funeral, transmission issues with my car that sent it to the garage for the better part of a week and a host of other annoyances at every turn. But ever the optimist I choose to believe that we are just front-loading the year with some of the bad stuff to make way for a year that will prove to be stellar.

The forecast for the next few days around here is that we are due for a snow storm… maybe. This morning I woke to find a light dusting a snow on the ground and was struck by the beauty of it. As I walked around the yard I happened to glance towards the barn on the next parcel over and thought a shot of it would make a wonderful addition to my blog this morning. When I came in to get my digital camera I discovered that the batteries barely had enough charge to turn the camera on and then it immediately shut off. Of course there are no replacement batteries to be found.

Not to be deterred I headed up to Morgue File and found a photo that is a pretty close approximation of my view of the barn this morning. LOL Ok, sans barn.

Eugenia Beecher, who happens to live in Illinois also, took this photo. Maybe that is why it bears such a close resemblance to the view I see from my yard. If you have not used Morgue File, surf up there and take a look around. It is a great source for reference photos.

For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else. —Sir Winston Churchill


Blogger Julaine said...

I came across your blog! I remember that you sent me some fiber pieces for the FFAC quilt for Virginia Spiegel...
Since you're in the Chicago area, have youever been to PAQA?

Enjoyed reading, and seeing your wonderful journal quilts!

9:04 AM  

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