Hi Ho

This is the piece that I have been working on the past few days. I am pretty happy with it overall and I even thought I knew how I wanted to quilt it. Then I ran into major interference. The “muse” didn’t like it. Of course Miss Muse would offer nothing constructive on how she thought it might be better, just that snide little “I don’t like it”. So I tossed it into the contemplation corner.
In the meanwhile I got busy with some other work. There was a little bit of writing that I wanted to get done; I got a few sketches done in my sketchbook and I crocheted yet another scarf.

For those of you who don’t know, since about mid October I have finished well over 40 scarves. A lot of them found new homes at Christmas time as presents for friends and family. I am not really sure why I have been doing them, except that crochet is a rather mindless activity that keeps my hands busy and allows my mind time to wander, or find the solution to nagging problems.
By the time I had finished this scarf, I had come up with a new quilting idea for the piece in the top picture and this time the muse approves. I also came up with a design idea for the travel challenge that I had signed up for. And just in time since I have to have pictures of it submitted by Wednesday. Guess that means I had best get back to work.
My work is a game, a very serious game.--M.C. Escher
I like it. A lot! Without the pins of course.
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