StarBurst Delite Redux
I am not really sure where the time has gone this week. Something about a holiday always seems to get my schedule off track. And Easter just seems to go on and on for weeks.
Anyway, I have managed to load and quilt the next in the series. That process alone seemed to take all week. For some reason that I don’t really remember, I made up a second mystery quilt in different colors. This one is very spring-like. I really like the yellow.

As usual the binding has been slow progress. This one still needs to be finished on two sides. Halfway there I guess.

I am also finally almost done with my March Journal Quilt and the cartoon for April’s is nearly finished. The work on these journal quilts has been very slow, but these are a bit of a departure from my usual style. As a result it has taken some extra time to figure things out. So far I like what I have got done and I even have an idea for May’s Journal. Finishing these is the goal for the weekend.
Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. —Plato
Those fabrics look great, Linda! I LUV the quilting you did! Good Job! hmmm.. if you don't usually do mysteries, maybe you need to be guinea pig again LOL. Jon
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